900 signatures forged on the list of the Republican Party

Among the signatures on the election list of the Republican Party, there were around 900 forgeries, but the participation is still possible, as Dejan Djurdjevic, the president of Republic Electoral Commission (RIK) stated this evening. 

The police confirmed that among people’s signatures who supported the electoral list of the Republican Party, there were around 900 forgeries, and it is not excluded that the party will still participate in the elections, as Dejan Djurdjevic, the president of Republic Electoral Commission stated this evening.

With those 900 forged signatures, they fall below the 10.000 signature limit, required by the law, Djurdjevic stated to the reporters and added that it is an aggravating circumstance that the list has already been declared and now legally binding, while the deadlines for a complaint are over.

According to him, RIK will debate if there is a room in the election process for using the special legal act to void the list.

“We will consider this possibility over the tonight and tomorrow”, Djurdjevic said.

When asked if it’s possible that the list appears on the official voting list even if the signatures are forgeries, Djurdjevic stated that it might be possible.

He said that the authorities are notified, and the matter will undergo the conduit of law regarding the forged signatures.

Because of this development, the two representatives of the Republican Party in the broader structure of RIK, Slobodan Ignjatov and Ivan Radosevic resigned from the party out of moral reasons.

RIK refused to declare the following lists on today’s meeting: “6th October for all of us” and “Proved – PhD. Dr. Danica Grujicic – Vlach Party”.
RIK has declared 18 lists so far, and 8 are still being debated on.

RIK has ordered yesterday to remove the deficiencies in the list of “Unique Russian Party – Zoran Maric” because of the suspicion that they forged 4.845 court seals on the voter’s declaration.