Insajder Without Limits: How much does Fiat cost us

In the new Insajder Without Limits show, airing at 9:30 p.m. on N1 TV, we continue to look at the subsidies the state gives foreign investors. reporters have investigated how much money the state has given to Fiat since 2008 to date. 

You will also hear how both the authorities and the opposition have for years cited completely different information on the results and effects of subsidies.

Putting out information on the volume of investments by foreign investors and the state, and the effects of such investment is easy fodder for manipulating the people of Serbia, as no comprehensive analysis of budget expenditure for foreign investment has ever been performed.

The show is an Insajder production made in cooperation with journalists of Radio Free Europe.

Insajder Without Limits: Serbia, the Biggest Individual “Foreign” Investor (Part II), Tuesday at 9:30 p.m., on N1 TV.