The Bajatovic case: Instead of an answer - insults (VIDEO)

It has been three weeks since the journalists of asked the director of Srbijagas, Dusan Bajatovic, about the spending of the money Serbia has invested into the joint Russian-Serbian company South Stream, with him either refusing to answer, or answering in general terms and reiterating that South Stream was a private company. Serbia's stake in that company is 49 percent and EUR 30 million has so far been invested into the company from the budget. The events culminated with Bajatovic, instead of answering the questions, insulted the journalists of Insajder. At a news conference about the operations of Srbijagas, when asked about the spending of the money, Bajatovic answered with another question, about how much did the protection cost of the editor of Insajder, Brankica Stankovic, which she was given by the state and which she requested to be removed more than a year ago. After that, the Insajder crew left the conference because of the inappropriate behavior of Dusan Bajatovic. The journalists of other media stayed at the conference and continued with the questions for the director of Srbijagas. In the video report, among other things, you can see how the director of Srbijagas, Dusan Bajatovic, from 2013 to this day, used different methods to avoid answering concrete questions.

Dušan Bajatović, direktor Srbija gasa i funkcioner SPS-a

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