I’ll prepare for the next conference, Are we supposed to do an interview here?… Reactions to Insajder reporters’ questions in 2018 (VIDEO)
In Serbia, institutional representatives are not held accountable to the public. Institutions are closed off, and that is why direct questions at press conferences are often the only way for the public to get an answer and an opportunity to determine if the explanation is appropriate. Although press conferences are not an opportunity to ask follow-up questions, and the officials as a rule find creative ways to avoid answering, the reactions themselves are valuable to document.

Over the last year, Insajder reporters asked the representatives of relevant institutions about the circumstances surrounding the murder of Oliver Ivanović, which was committed in 2018 and remains unsolved to this day, about the illegal construction in Pančićev vrh, about the non-transparent operations of Air Serbia, whose “success” is financed by the people paying taxes, and about the night-time demolition on Hercegovačka, which the officials seem to hope will be forgotten. We asked about the tragic series of worker deaths, the method and effects of the construction of mini hydropower plants in protected areas …
“I think it’s quite absurd to ask me that question … I’ve been watching every episode of Insajder …”, “It’s unbelievable that you didn’t provide this question in advance.”, “What do you expect me to do? Take a hammer to it?”, “Unfortunately, I didn’t have an opportunity to read your research, but I will do so with pleasure.”, “I answered all your questions, even those that you didn’t ask me.”, “I can’t condone the kind of games you’re trying to play.”
These are just parts of the answers of officials to Insajder reporters’ questions. Check out the video to see a more detailed overview of the answers and reactions of officials to questions that Insajder reporters asked in 2018.
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